
Posts Tagged ‘bailout defeat’

After the vote disaster, when everybody in her own Party is telling her that her anti-Republican speech when bipartisanship was needed, killed the bailout, Pelosi is on TV explaining her defeat.

She said a single sentence that bipartisanship was called for, and then the rabies of rage swept across her face, she lost control, her face twisted in rage once again, (it is becoming her normal expression of repose)and she started blurting attacks at the Republicans!

Democrats, lose the maddog and elect a leader who can maintain self control, a  leader who can unite for the good of our Nation, and display leadership instead of childish temper tantrums!

At her best she reminds the people of the childish expressions that periodically swept across Barack Obama’s face during the debate.

Are there no leaders in the Democratic party?

Surely they can find at least one who can manage to look like a leader for the few minutes a week on camera?

The market is crashing because investors watch the clown show in Congress and realize our country has no leaders in either party.

Our nation needs a leader, and we have not had a leader for decades.

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