
Posts Tagged ‘bernacke’

People should ask: just what are the hedge fund buddies of Geithner adding to the economy under this plan?

Geithner’s drinking buddies are putting up ten percent of the money, but are getting a government guarantee against losses.

Taxpayers are putting up most of the money plus guaranteeing Obama’s contributors against most losses.


If they are not putting up the money in size or taking the risk, why is Obama making them rich? Because they contributed to his campaign?

It appears as if Geithner’s drinking buddies will get almost all the potential gains in exchange for putting up almost none of the money!

Just another case of crooked politicians making their buddies rich at the taxpayers expenses.

Change you can believe in. No other politician ever dared such a rape of the taxpayers to benefit his political contributors.

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I must admit that I was truly shocked to learn that we have a man being paid by a foreign government to be a Director of a foreign non-profit advocating revolution in the United States of America.

I was further shocked to learn that the ambition of that man was to become the greatest mass murderer in history, and that he also hired, supervised, managed and directed an employee for seven years, an employee who today is GUESS WHAT? CLICK HERE!

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Obama came up with a fantastic jobs plan in the summer of 2006 that is fantastic! It blows away anything John McCain or Sarah Palin ever came up with.

And best of all Senator Barack Obama’s 2006 Jobs Plan implements strong guarantees  that (1) wages are at least median for every category of work, and (2)  the jobs are inside of the USA, oh, and (3) the jobs are truly equal opportunity!! See if you agree with me HERE

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Senator Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7.24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, he is not a Natural Born Citizen of these United States and he never was. Philip J Berg, Esq, is correct, under the Nationality Act of 1940, as Revised June 1952 and in accord with United States of America vs Cervantes-Nava 281 F 3d 501 (2002) and Drozd vs INS, 155 F 3d 81, 85-88 (2d Circuit 1998) Senator Barack Hussein Obama II would not ever have been a Legal US Citizen at all, unless he was Naturalized.

He was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya any Certificate, or Certification of Live Birth, issued for him by the State of Hawaii is a Fraudulent and Illegal Document. At Birth he would have been a UK and Colonies Citizen and in accord with the Kenyan Constitution he would have become a Kenyan Citizen in December 1963. He would not have been a US Citizen.

Alternatively, his UK and Colonies Birth Certificate issued in Mombasa in August 1961 could be a Fraudulent and Illegal Document. The two BCs would need to be compared. By this I mean the Original Vault Copy of the Hawaiian Birth Certificate and not the Amended, Post Adoption, Copy, Legally available to the Senator, assuming he was, as indicated by the Preponderance of Evidence, Adopted by Lolo Soetoro. This case might also need to go through the UK and Kenyan Courts and becomes a Matter of International Law and Controversy.

Because Barack Hussein Obama II was born at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, it is certain that he is not Eligible to hold the Offices of POTUS or VPOTUS and highly probable that he is not Legally entitled to hold the Office of Senator either and that he was not Eligible to be an Illinois State Senator.

We need to start impeachment proceedings against barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


In that event the Senate Ethics and Rules Committee, Chair Diane Feinstein, have a problem because they are responsible for the Certification of a Candidate’s Compliance with Constitutional Requirements, a job they would have conspicuously failed to do. Should he be Elected the poisoned Chalice would pass to Nancy Pelosi because as Speaker of the House she, and the House, have the Responsibility to ensure that the President Elect can Effectively be Sworn In and Legally Assume the Office and Duties of the President.

Be very clear here,  Barack Hussein Obama II was born at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, Diane Feinstein’s Committee have already failed in their Duty, as has every Secretary of State in the Union.

Let me repeat myself, if Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, he is not a Natural Born Citizen of these United States and he never was, he is not even a Citizen by Birth. I had assumed ab initio that Obama was born in Hawaii and that his Hawaiian Paperwork was basically “on the up and up”, I could not conceive that a lie of this magnitude was possible, I thought that the INS would have caught on long since. If he is a US Citizen under these circumstances his Oath of Allegiance must be on Record somewhere. If it isn’t he is not a US Citizen.

Hawaii may Legally be able to Issue a Birth Certificate under these circumstances, according to their own Code, but it would breach of International and Federal Law if they have. It would breach Hawaiian Law if the Place of Birth is spurious.

If you want to impeach Barack Obama from the Senate, and if need be, from the Presidency, send a blank email to impeach2008@gmail.com


 For links to court filings setting forth the original facts see



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Yeah, I know, why would Barry hide something like this, which should give him a big advantage over McCain who is nothing but a legislator.

Read why Barry is hiding his executive experience at http://ngoldfarb.wordpress.com/2008/10/09/we-should-all-praise-barack-obamas-five-years-of-true-executive-experience-as-ceo-president-and-chairman-of-a-50-million-a-year-corporation-which-is-more-executive-experience-than-john-mccain-eve/

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The original bailout was ONLY $700 billion, and everyone with a brain warned that it would grow because there are $5 trillion of mortgages larger than the value of the underlying homes.

Now the Senate is trying to “IMPROVE” the bill. This why we need a Constitutional Amendment banning anyone who has ever been a Senator from becoming President.  Being a Senator permanently, irreversibly damages your mind. Oh, both candidates are Senators, so we are in real trouble because they are Senators and their minds have been permanently infected with “SENATORITIS” the chronic, terminal disease closely related to Alzheimer’s.

Because they have SENATORITIS, both candidates support the IMPROVED Senate version of the bailout. The IMPROVED Senate bill is what Senators think will make it more attractive to more voters and therefore more likely to pass. It proves the old joke that a Hippopotamus is a mouse designed by Congress.

The Senators are totally oblivious to the complaints voiced by 95% of voters that the original bill will (1) cause inflation, (2) bust the budget, (3) cause the value of the dollar to drop, creating even higher gasoline prices, (4) require a huge tax increase.

The SENATORITIS “improved” the bill by ADDING Senator Obama’s (of course the moron is a Senator) (1) $64 billion earmark for ACORN and LA RAZA, (2) $40 billion to repeal the AMT, and (3) $68 billion in alternative energy tax credits. These increases total $172 billion more costs to the taxpayers.

The $17 billion is $1,700 per household increase, and raises the total bailout to more than $8,720 per household, and it is still growing. It will end up costing way more.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion in additional tax increases required to pay for them.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion of inflationary pressure on our rapidly inflating currency, wiping out the value of our savings and investments.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion in the budget deficit that we have to borrow from China.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion that are being passed with no hearings open to the public, with no voice of the people. THE BASTARDS ARE RAMMING THIS DOWN OUR THROAT IN TOTAL DISREGARD OF THE EMAILS AND PHONECALLS FROM THE VOTERS OPPSING EVERY FORM OF THE BAILOUT.

The bailout has grown from $700 billion to $872 billion in less than one week. Imagine what it will really cost? Congress just increased the limit on our debt ceiling by more than twice the size of the bailout, indicating that the bastards intend to spend double the amount of the bailout.

Stop this destruction of America by clicking on the following link, enter your zip code in the box on the left to find your Senator, and cut and paste the following message into the message box to both of your Senators:

We do not want any form of mortgage bailout, no matter how much you increase it, change it or rename it. Repeal the CRA Community Reinvestment Act and abolish Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHA. NO BAILOUT OF ANY KIND! NO BANKRUPTCY JUDGES REWRITING MORTGAGES. No assistance to freeloaders who got a house for no money down and won’t pay their mortgages. No cash to cities to buy foreclosed homes. NOTHING! Let the FDIC and Fed take over failed banks and eliminate mark to market, but no government interference in the working of the free markets, or we will impeach you! Got it? We mean it!

THE LINK   http://congressorg.capwiz.com/congressorg/directory/congdir.tt


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After the vote disaster, when everybody in her own Party is telling her that her anti-Republican speech when bipartisanship was needed, killed the bailout, Pelosi is on TV explaining her defeat.

She said a single sentence that bipartisanship was called for, and then the rabies of rage swept across her face, she lost control, her face twisted in rage once again, (it is becoming her normal expression of repose)and she started blurting attacks at the Republicans!

Democrats, lose the maddog and elect a leader who can maintain self control, a  leader who can unite for the good of our Nation, and display leadership instead of childish temper tantrums!

At her best she reminds the people of the childish expressions that periodically swept across Barack Obama’s face during the debate.

Are there no leaders in the Democratic party?

Surely they can find at least one who can manage to look like a leader for the few minutes a week on camera?

The market is crashing because investors watch the clown show in Congress and realize our country has no leaders in either party.

Our nation needs a leader, and we have not had a leader for decades.

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Everybody in both parties knows that the Democrats caused the Mortgage Crisis with their expansion of Fannie Mae and the Democrats passage of the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) which requires, actually FORCES, YES FORCES every bank in America to make bad mortgages to financially unqualified buyers and to illegal aliens, and the Democrats including Bill Clinton forced Fannie Mae to purchase the crap, guarantee the crap, and sell it to the world’s financial markets as CDOs that were not worth the paper they were printed on. Worse, because the entire world from China to Japan to Russia believed they were obligations of the US Government, they became part of the reserve capital of every financial institution in the world. The basis for all the world’s banks and insurance companies!

In return for these crimes, Wall Street, the nation’s banks and Fannie Mae donated hundreds of millions to the Democrats. Chris Dodd and Barack Obama were the two biggest beneficiaries of Fannie Mae corrupt cash. That is why the Democrats are so vehemently enthusiastic at passing Bush’s bailout. The Democrats need the crisis solved before people focus on the Democrats as being the cause of the crisis.

Also, the Democrats biggest source of votes are the freeloaders who get to buy homes with the crap mortgages, so the Dems want to bail them out with ACORN fraud.

So, the Democrats needed the Republican Congressman’s support to pass the bailout to save the corrupt Democrats from:

 (1) exposure as being the true source of the crisis,

(2) to avoid repeal of the Democrats’ favorite welfare law, the Community Reinvestment Act which even this minute is continuing to force banks to write more and more crap mortgages, sowing the seeds for a repeat crisis next year, and

(3) keep the mountain of donations flowing to Barack Obama and his forty thieves from the crooked banks and Wall Street firms.

So what does Nancy Pelosi do to get the Republicans to vote her way, to support the Democrats?

The stupid b*=+&h succumbed to her chronic partisan rabies and stuck a sharp stick into the Republicans eyes by makeing a speech to Congress blaming the crisis on the Republicans and carrying on and on and on about how the crisis is the Republican’s fault.

She needs their help so she atacks them!

This is the Democrats’ idea of leadership. Can Barack Obama be far behind? Nope! He is also blaming the crisis on the Republicans (even though he voted against John McCains law to reform Fannie Mae in 2005).

If Obama had even half a brain beneath his buzz cut, he should have been practicing what he preaches and making bipartisan appeals for working together. Instead he continue to attack and blame the Republicans whose votes he needs if he is to continue getting his record-breaking donations from Fannie Mae.

All reports from the floor of the House say that the Republicans were enraged when Pelosi launched into her final speech calling the vote to order by attacking, and attacking, and attacking the Republicans, so they voted against her.

And so Nancy Pelosi’s terminal case of rabies killed the mortgage bailout.

In the meantime the Community Reinvestment Act, which is not treated at all in the bailout bill, is continuing to force all the banks in America to continue writing no money down, interest only mortgages to freeloaders, so we shall have another round of collosal defaults next year, and the year after, and the year after.

Click on the following link to send letters to you Senators and Representatives saying


To find your congresspersons, enter your zip code in the left hand box of this link:


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Obama has just showed us how corruptly he will run the country if he gets elected President. He has the arrogance to try this even before he gets elected!

In the debate, Barack Obama said he stopped earmarks. He lied. The truth is Obama is still doing earmarks; in fact Obama is attempting the largest earmark in history.

Let me repeat that: Obama is attempting the largest earmark in history!

Barack Obama, this should disqualify you from running for President, and this should get you impeached from the Senate.

Barack Obama is taking thousands in tax money from every person in America to kickback to the group that helped him win every election. Obama has been inter-twined with ACORN, and the dozens of shell non-profits they create as fundraisers, from Obama’s first year in a church basement right up to today. ACORN is being sued all over America for committing widespread voter fraud, among other allegations. Naturally, of course, who would ever allege fraud in their work getting Obama elected?

The Dems are trying to give $64,000,000,000 to Obama’s most radical left wing extremist group because it was key to Obama getting elected in every election he ever did. Barack Obama, this should disqualify you from running for President, and this should get you kicked out of the Senate.

The left wing media are covering up the comment by Sen. Lindsey Graham on Greta van Susteren last night. The Senator mentioned that the republican’s did not want to pass a mortgage bailout bill with money going to the group called ACORN. Sixty-four billion dollars (that is not a misprint, Obama’s earmark is the largest in history at $64,000,000,000, or 300 times larger than the “Bridge to Nowhere”)was attached to the mortgage bail out bill, giving the money to Acorn to disburse to ailing mortgage holders within communities suffering from the sub-prime mortgage melt down. Doesn’t that definition cover everywhere? There is no provision for any oversight, except that no actions can be subject to administrative or court review; i.e. Barack’s radical extremists can do absolutely anything with the money and not go to jail.

Every Democratic Precinct Captain in Chicago will get his mortgage paid off. Don’t have a mortgage? Don’t worry, Chicago Mayor Daley’s brother William is a Senior Vice President of JP Morgan Chase, the $2 trillion bank that our government just gave Bear Stearns and WAMU basically for free. Any Democrat insider might get a mortgage from the Mayor’s brother for a mansion so big they can’t pay it, maybe even as big as the Chicago mansion that Mayor Daley’s bag man Rezko picked out and helped pay for Obama, which qualifies them for getting it paid off by Barack Obama’s ACORN. Is this a great country or what!

 I hope that the republican’s can do something to stop this absolutely monstrous rape of the taxpayers from happening.

ACORN is the dirty secret in Obama’s past. Both in his early days as a so called “community organizer” and even after Harvard law, Obama has been intertwined on a daily basis with ACORN. ACORN is the left wing, extremist radical group that sponsored Barack Obama in every one of his elections, and without whom he never could have won any election. Obama owes everything to this pinko extremist radical group.


Obama worked as a trainer for Acorn teaching its radical activists how to “organize” demonstrations and recruiting.

As a member of the board of directors of several Chicago charities, Obama directed grants of millions of dollars to ACORN supposedly for voter registration and “nonpartisan” get out the vote activities. Obama nonpartisan? Hah hah hah! Think of how many pro-Obama voters they could falsely register with $64 billion of our tax dollars. Think of the improvements to our education system we could get for $64 billion. But Obama wants it to go to his pet “Voter Registration” NONPROFIT?

Obama says he has stopped getting earmarks, after Obama got $923,000,000 on earmarks! Then he follows his lie up with a $64,000,000,000 earmark.

Acorn has a history of violent demonstrations and racism.

Barack Obama, this should disqualify you from running for President, and this should get you kicked out of the Senate.



 There is no need for the bailout. The biggest failures have already been rescued using our money. The $700 billion, whoops $764 billion, is only for corruption, to enrich Wall Street Hedge funds and corrupt elected officials.  In fact there will be so much corruption that the correct title for the bill is “The Congressional and Senate Retirement Plan.”

Go to these sites and tell your elected officials that you “OPPOSE THE BAILOUT

To find your congresspersons, enter your zip code in the left hand box of this link:


 Every elected official who supports $64 billion criminal Obama/ACORN extremist earmark and the Bush/Chris Dodd/Barack Obama/Democrats bailout plans should be impeached, AND I mean it.

If you want to impeach Barack Obama from the Senate along with everyone who supports the mortgage bailout, send a blank email to impeach2008@gmail.com


I copied this with permission from http://ngoldfarb.wordpress.com Please email links to this post to your entire address book, and / or copy it and post it in your blogs, or link to it in Facebook or Myspace. We must get the word out on this! This is so very important because this is the largest act of corruption, the biggest scandal in the history of America. Even worse, it is from a man who claims to represent “Change” but in fact is arrogantly lowering our people.














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