
Archive for the ‘La Raza’ Category

Illegal aliens harm all Americans because they depress the average wage, resulting in American workers having to accept lower wages to compete with the illegals. The Americans who are hurt the most are those at the bottom of the ladder who need minimum and near-minimum wage jobs that immigrants will take for below minimum wages.

The Elite Just Don’t Get It!

Every person in America who pays taxes (you and me) is harmed by illegal aliens because we must pay higher taxes for jobless benefits and other welfare paid to US citizens who are displaced from jobs by illegal aliens.

Every person in America who pays taxes (you and me) is harmed by having to pay higher taxes to pay welfare benefits for “Anchor Babies” and their illegal families. Right now Progressives are all over the Lame Street Media whining about “Are you going to deport the US citizen children of illegal aliens when you deport their parents?” First, and this is so wrong on so many levels, the actual practice of the government is not to deport anyone who has an anchor baby. That is why they are called “anchors.” Spit out one baby and the whole family gets to stay in the US.

That is so wrong. We should deport the entire family. We should repeal the 13th Amendment (check number)

The Lame Street Media are running footage of an illegal alien girl around age twenty who is whining that under the new Arizona law she will live in fear that she might be deported. This truly inappropriate illegal girl continues that she should be made a citizen because she graduated high school and has almost finished college and wants to work with helping autistic children.

This woman has gotten a free education from the taxpayer while working US citizens go broke paying for their children’s college tuition. Then she wants a government job, to be paid by US citizen taxpayers.

I want that job to go to the US citizen taxpayers, not to an illegal alien who has been freeloading on the hard-pressed US taxpayer for her entire life.

And the bitch does not even realize that she has taken advantage of us! She is the product of “social justice.” She believes that social justice means that anyone in the whole darn world is entitled to a free education at the expense of the US taxpayer, and is then entitled to a high pay, and even higher benefits government funded job. In other words, her idea of social justice is the we the US citizen taxpayers support her for her entire life.

My thought is to criminally prosecute her for grand theft from the US taxpayers, and lock her fat butt up into a work camp until she repays the US taxpayer for all the benefits which she received illegally. Then let her go back to Mexico and work with Mexican autistic children at the expense of the Mexican government, not us.

Oh, and let us not forget that the autistic children that she wants us to pay her to care for, were probably caused by their mothers using illegal drugs smuggled into the US by illegal alien smuggling rings, and distributed by Mexican crime gangs.

Finally, yes, we should deport the entire family, including the anchor babies, when any family member is found to be here illegally. Especially, we should deport the entire family when the mother is legal, the children are anchor babies, and the father is illegal. Otherwise we are encouraging illegal studs to sneak in and knock up somebody and stick the taxpayer for twenty generations of welfare families. Remember, we have half a century of experience with welfare families. Once on welfare, always on welfare, generation after generation after generation. Don’t let it get started. Deport every anchor baby and all their parents.

Otherwise we the taxpayers will always, always, get farther and farther into debt, paying perpetual welfare as part of social justice and redistribution.

Enough is enough!

We should bring the troops home from the Middle East and put them on the Mexican border, so when Sheriff Joe Arpaio kicks her and her friends’ illegal butts over the border, they cannot walk back in.

That Is How America’s Best Crime Prevention Program Just Happens To Be A Tax Reduction Program

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DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has turned her attention away from acts of Islamic Jihad on American soil (which she now refers to as “man-caused disasters”). Instead, her department is sounding the alarm over an un-quantified “resurgence” in “rightwing extremism activity.”

On April 7, 2009, DHS sent a nine-page warning memo to law enforcement offices across the country titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

The report includes a George Soros/George Orwell/James Carvel/Barack Obama deceitful definition of the threat:

I quote, and really, you cannot make this up:

“Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

Opposing abortion is the definition of radical extremism! Yet Nancy Pelosi met with the Pope, who opposes abortion. Is Pelosi being investigated by DHS for consorting with extremists?

Is the entire Catholic Church, along with Ann Coulter, under surveilance?

I betcha they are!!!

So Obama’s dictatorship has legally defined those of us who favor state and local control over federal expansionism as terrorist extremists?

According to Obama appointee Janet Napolitano, the Green Party qualifies as a right wing extremist party because they favor local government!!!

According to this memo from the Department of Homeland Security, the Constitution Party is a radical extremist group! Will Napolitano execute Congressman Ron Paul for treason?

Ron Tancredo, Lou Dobbs and Frank Lynch, a former Democratic Presidential candidate,  oppose unfettered illegal immigration. Are they now officially suspect radical extremists? Obama copied much of his campaign planks from Frank Lynch, so what does that make Obama? Is Obama a radical right wing extremist?

Yet William Ayres who murdered American citizens is Mayor Daley’s Man of the Year, the same Mayor Daley who made Obama President. So left wing terrorists are good. Obama worked for Ayres, shouldn’t Napolitano name Obama as a radical extremist?

La Raza by its very name “The Race” is racist, but it is not radical because they supported Obama?

Janet Napolitano is insane!!

Does that make me a radical right wing extremist?

Are we subject to arrest for opposing Obama’s policies?

I am sorry, but Obama’s track record on failed Cabinet appointees is the joke of the century.

Five appointees who did not pay their taxes, Elliott Richardson who bowed out because of FBI corruption investigation, and now this total dictatorship bee-yatch Janet Napolitano who, in the name of homeland security, officially  brands everyone who did not vote for Obama as radical right wing extremists?

Change you can believe in is the joke of the century.

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Called on the Carpet because words matter.

Big Guy just called Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano into his office and really chewed her out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this mad … ever.

What set him off was a speech Napolitano gave where she referred to terrorist attacks as “man-caused disasters”, and her insistence to the media that going forward this term is what will be used by the Obama Administration to avoid playing the politics of fear.

I’ve never been so proud of Big Guy than when he laid into Janet, telling her “man-caused disasters” was unacceptable under any circumstances. Going forward, we’ll be using “individual-caused disaster” to ensure we fulfill our pledge to our fellow citizens of the world that we will be a gender-neutral Administration.

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Janet Porter, writing for WorldNetDaily.com, raises additional issues. This may be convoluted, but it is well-worth examining, if only to see the tangled web Obama has woven for himself and the American people.

“‘There’s the matter that Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan, Southern India and Kenya in 1981. He said he went to Indonesia to see his mother. This seemed plausible, except for the fact that his mother returned to Hawaii in August of 1980 to file for a divorce from her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Unless she went back to pal around with the man she divorced, she wasn’t there at the time of Obama’s visit.”

“‘There’s another problem. No record of Obama holding an American passport prior to the one he received once becoming a U.S. senator has been found. If he traveled to Pakistan with an American passport, he wouldn’t have been allowed in – since Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and under martial law. It was also on the State Department’s travel ban list for U.S. citizens… . If he couldn’t get into Pakistan with a U.S. passport, perhaps he went there with an Indonesian passport. But the only way you can get one of those is if you are an Indonesian citizen.'”

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Illinois Senator Roland Burris just admitted that although he testified to the Senate that Gov. Rod Blagojevich had not asked him for money, ie to buy the Senate seat, Rod’s brother did!

Now, those of you not from Illinois must understand this is not dishonesty.  Remember Bill Clinton saying “It depends on what you mean by “IS””

This is normal Democrat speak.

And Obama supporters clamor “Hey, Barack said not to let Burris be seated in the Senate.”

But you see, that is the problem. The problem is Obama, who taught Constitutional Law, does not understand the Constitution. The Constitution says we have three branches of government, and the Executive Branch is not supposed to tell the Legislative Branch who it can seat.

I know this is complex and confusing for B. S. Obama, so let me say it so our President can understand it:

Dear B. S., the Senate does not work for you!

Ever since the election we see B. S. Obama constantly forgetting the Constitution.

I am getting worried.

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Blagojevich wanted Oprah as Senator!  Then she could broadcast the Oprah Winfrey show live on Cspan! That would be a stupendous improvement over the dogturds, idiots and morons in the House and Senate that now render most of Cspan unwatchable.

Oprah could have congressmen and senators on as her guests and the audience could ask them questions, such as “How did a moron like you get in the Senate?”

Answer: “Girlie, you have the civics IQ of a moron. Everybody else in the world understands that only morons are allowed into the House and Senate. Then we pick the moron who can tell the most lies ina 20 minute speech without laughing, and we make him President of the USA. Grow up girlie.”

And Oprah would comment with her standard facial expression of awe that she expresses at even the worst guests: “Wow! I had no idea the Senate was that complicated! Do you have to go to school for that?”

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I must admit that I was truly shocked to learn that we have a man being paid by a foreign government to be a Director of a foreign non-profit advocating revolution in the United States of America.

I was further shocked to learn that the ambition of that man was to become the greatest mass murderer in history, and that he also hired, supervised, managed and directed an employee for seven years, an employee who today is GUESS WHAT? CLICK HERE!

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 The following clip is a report by the FBI agent who infiltrated the Weathermen and sat in on meetings with William Ayres and Dohrn about planning on how to adminster America after the Weathermen take over the government.

The Weathermen leaders were mostly Columbia University top level graduates. Isn’t Columbia where Obama got his BS degree?

In fact Barack wrote about all the time he spent in Greenwich Village. Greenwich Village is where the Weathermen had their bomb factory, and William Ayres was active.

 They believed that people who refused to cooperate with the Weathermen should be sent to reeducation camps in the Southwest Deserts.

The Weathermen thought that about 25 million Americans would not benefit from reducation and would have to be eliminated, i.e. killed.

The FBI agent tells how abhorrent it was to listen to Ayres’ people calmly discussing the logistics of transporting 25,000,000 Americans to be murdered in hte name of ideology. And of course, Barack Obama was an employee of William Ayres for seven years.

They were so close that it appears William Ayres actually wrote Obama’s book “Dreams from my father” when Barry couldn’t finish a draft worthy of publication.

Listen to the actual FBI agent on this clip.


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Look what Nancy Goldfarb found CLICK HERE

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