
Posts Tagged ‘lou dobbs’

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has turned her attention away from acts of Islamic Jihad on American soil (which she now refers to as “man-caused disasters”). Instead, her department is sounding the alarm over an un-quantified “resurgence” in “rightwing extremism activity.”

On April 7, 2009, DHS sent a nine-page warning memo to law enforcement offices across the country titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

The report includes a George Soros/George Orwell/James Carvel/Barack Obama deceitful definition of the threat:

I quote, and really, you cannot make this up:

“Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

Opposing abortion is the definition of radical extremism! Yet Nancy Pelosi met with the Pope, who opposes abortion. Is Pelosi being investigated by DHS for consorting with extremists?

Is the entire Catholic Church, along with Ann Coulter, under surveilance?

I betcha they are!!!

So Obama’s dictatorship has legally defined those of us who favor state and local control over federal expansionism as terrorist extremists?

According to Obama appointee Janet Napolitano, the Green Party qualifies as a right wing extremist party because they favor local government!!!

According to this memo from the Department of Homeland Security, the Constitution Party is a radical extremist group! Will Napolitano execute Congressman Ron Paul for treason?

Ron Tancredo, Lou Dobbs and Frank Lynch, a former Democratic Presidential candidate,  oppose unfettered illegal immigration. Are they now officially suspect radical extremists? Obama copied much of his campaign planks from Frank Lynch, so what does that make Obama? Is Obama a radical right wing extremist?

Yet William Ayres who murdered American citizens is Mayor Daley’s Man of the Year, the same Mayor Daley who made Obama President. So left wing terrorists are good. Obama worked for Ayres, shouldn’t Napolitano name Obama as a radical extremist?

La Raza by its very name “The Race” is racist, but it is not radical because they supported Obama?

Janet Napolitano is insane!!

Does that make me a radical right wing extremist?

Are we subject to arrest for opposing Obama’s policies?

I am sorry, but Obama’s track record on failed Cabinet appointees is the joke of the century.

Five appointees who did not pay their taxes, Elliott Richardson who bowed out because of FBI corruption investigation, and now this total dictatorship bee-yatch Janet Napolitano who, in the name of homeland security, officially  brands everyone who did not vote for Obama as radical right wing extremists?

Change you can believe in is the joke of the century.

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This welfare leech baby promised us “NO MORE EARMARKS” and he sends us a spending bill wasting $8 billion on 8,000 earmarks while the $5 trillion deficit will strangle the economy for the rest of our lives?

It is not possible for us to even pay the interest on his brainless spending, so the size of the debt will grow every year as the interest is added on, and on, and on.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

“Change we can believe in” turns out to only be changing/increasing the deficit by 10,000 percent.

The high spending Republican Congress that we voted out suddenly seems like Conservative penny pinchers.

America is lost.


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I must admit that I was truly shocked to learn that we have a man being paid by a foreign government to be a Director of a foreign non-profit advocating revolution in the United States of America.

I was further shocked to learn that the ambition of that man was to become the greatest mass murderer in history, and that he also hired, supervised, managed and directed an employee for seven years, an employee who today is GUESS WHAT? CLICK HERE!

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Obama came up with a fantastic jobs plan in the summer of 2006 that is fantastic! It blows away anything John McCain or Sarah Palin ever came up with.

And best of all Senator Barack Obama’s 2006 Jobs Plan implements strong guarantees  that (1) wages are at least median for every category of work, and (2)  the jobs are inside of the USA, oh, and (3) the jobs are truly equal opportunity!! See if you agree with me HERE

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Senator Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7.24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, he is not a Natural Born Citizen of these United States and he never was. Philip J Berg, Esq, is correct, under the Nationality Act of 1940, as Revised June 1952 and in accord with United States of America vs Cervantes-Nava 281 F 3d 501 (2002) and Drozd vs INS, 155 F 3d 81, 85-88 (2d Circuit 1998) Senator Barack Hussein Obama II would not ever have been a Legal US Citizen at all, unless he was Naturalized.

He was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya any Certificate, or Certification of Live Birth, issued for him by the State of Hawaii is a Fraudulent and Illegal Document. At Birth he would have been a UK and Colonies Citizen and in accord with the Kenyan Constitution he would have become a Kenyan Citizen in December 1963. He would not have been a US Citizen.

Alternatively, his UK and Colonies Birth Certificate issued in Mombasa in August 1961 could be a Fraudulent and Illegal Document. The two BCs would need to be compared. By this I mean the Original Vault Copy of the Hawaiian Birth Certificate and not the Amended, Post Adoption, Copy, Legally available to the Senator, assuming he was, as indicated by the Preponderance of Evidence, Adopted by Lolo Soetoro. This case might also need to go through the UK and Kenyan Courts and becomes a Matter of International Law and Controversy.

Because Barack Hussein Obama II was born at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, it is certain that he is not Eligible to hold the Offices of POTUS or VPOTUS and highly probable that he is not Legally entitled to hold the Office of Senator either and that he was not Eligible to be an Illinois State Senator.

We need to start impeachment proceedings against barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


In that event the Senate Ethics and Rules Committee, Chair Diane Feinstein, have a problem because they are responsible for the Certification of a Candidate’s Compliance with Constitutional Requirements, a job they would have conspicuously failed to do. Should he be Elected the poisoned Chalice would pass to Nancy Pelosi because as Speaker of the House she, and the House, have the Responsibility to ensure that the President Elect can Effectively be Sworn In and Legally Assume the Office and Duties of the President.

Be very clear here,  Barack Hussein Obama II was born at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, Diane Feinstein’s Committee have already failed in their Duty, as has every Secretary of State in the Union.

Let me repeat myself, if Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, he is not a Natural Born Citizen of these United States and he never was, he is not even a Citizen by Birth. I had assumed ab initio that Obama was born in Hawaii and that his Hawaiian Paperwork was basically “on the up and up”, I could not conceive that a lie of this magnitude was possible, I thought that the INS would have caught on long since. If he is a US Citizen under these circumstances his Oath of Allegiance must be on Record somewhere. If it isn’t he is not a US Citizen.

Hawaii may Legally be able to Issue a Birth Certificate under these circumstances, according to their own Code, but it would breach of International and Federal Law if they have. It would breach Hawaiian Law if the Place of Birth is spurious.

If you want to impeach Barack Obama from the Senate, and if need be, from the Presidency, send a blank email to impeach2008@gmail.com


 For links to court filings setting forth the original facts see



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Yeah, I know, why would Barry hide something like this, which should give him a big advantage over McCain who is nothing but a legislator.

Read why Barry is hiding his executive experience at http://ngoldfarb.wordpress.com/2008/10/09/we-should-all-praise-barack-obamas-five-years-of-true-executive-experience-as-ceo-president-and-chairman-of-a-50-million-a-year-corporation-which-is-more-executive-experience-than-john-mccain-eve/

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The original bailout was ONLY $700 billion, and everyone with a brain warned that it would grow because there are $5 trillion of mortgages larger than the value of the underlying homes.

Now the Senate is trying to “IMPROVE” the bill. This why we need a Constitutional Amendment banning anyone who has ever been a Senator from becoming President.  Being a Senator permanently, irreversibly damages your mind. Oh, both candidates are Senators, so we are in real trouble because they are Senators and their minds have been permanently infected with “SENATORITIS” the chronic, terminal disease closely related to Alzheimer’s.

Because they have SENATORITIS, both candidates support the IMPROVED Senate version of the bailout. The IMPROVED Senate bill is what Senators think will make it more attractive to more voters and therefore more likely to pass. It proves the old joke that a Hippopotamus is a mouse designed by Congress.

The Senators are totally oblivious to the complaints voiced by 95% of voters that the original bill will (1) cause inflation, (2) bust the budget, (3) cause the value of the dollar to drop, creating even higher gasoline prices, (4) require a huge tax increase.

The SENATORITIS “improved” the bill by ADDING Senator Obama’s (of course the moron is a Senator) (1) $64 billion earmark for ACORN and LA RAZA, (2) $40 billion to repeal the AMT, and (3) $68 billion in alternative energy tax credits. These increases total $172 billion more costs to the taxpayers.

The $17 billion is $1,700 per household increase, and raises the total bailout to more than $8,720 per household, and it is still growing. It will end up costing way more.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion in additional tax increases required to pay for them.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion of inflationary pressure on our rapidly inflating currency, wiping out the value of our savings and investments.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion in the budget deficit that we have to borrow from China.

These increases/improvements total $172 billion that are being passed with no hearings open to the public, with no voice of the people. THE BASTARDS ARE RAMMING THIS DOWN OUR THROAT IN TOTAL DISREGARD OF THE EMAILS AND PHONECALLS FROM THE VOTERS OPPSING EVERY FORM OF THE BAILOUT.

The bailout has grown from $700 billion to $872 billion in less than one week. Imagine what it will really cost? Congress just increased the limit on our debt ceiling by more than twice the size of the bailout, indicating that the bastards intend to spend double the amount of the bailout.

Stop this destruction of America by clicking on the following link, enter your zip code in the box on the left to find your Senator, and cut and paste the following message into the message box to both of your Senators:

We do not want any form of mortgage bailout, no matter how much you increase it, change it or rename it. Repeal the CRA Community Reinvestment Act and abolish Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHA. NO BAILOUT OF ANY KIND! NO BANKRUPTCY JUDGES REWRITING MORTGAGES. No assistance to freeloaders who got a house for no money down and won’t pay their mortgages. No cash to cities to buy foreclosed homes. NOTHING! Let the FDIC and Fed take over failed banks and eliminate mark to market, but no government interference in the working of the free markets, or we will impeach you! Got it? We mean it!

THE LINK   http://congressorg.capwiz.com/congressorg/directory/congdir.tt


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Impeach Every official Who Supports the Mortgage Bailout

I copied this from another site. Feel free to copy this and send it in emails to all your friends and post it on your own blogs.

We really have to save America from this rape of the taxpayers.

Henry Paulson should be kicked out of office and out of America.

The bailout plan is absolutely Marxist Communism and will destroy and bankrupt America.

It destroys all sense of personal responsibility.

Especially we must not have any program to “assist” people from being kicked out of their homes, or reduce the size of their mortgage. Amend the bankruptcy laws so nobody can get out of their home mortgage. If somebody bought a house for no money down with one percent interest for three years, as far as I am concerned they are not victims, they are freeloaders, and the finance executives who lent to them should go to jail

Every elected official who supports the Bush/Chris Dodd/Barack obama/Democrats bailout plans should be impeached, AND I mean it.

If you want to impeach everyone who supports the mortgage bailout send a blank email to impeach2008@gmail.com

Then go to these sites and tell your elected officials that you “OPPOSE THE BAILOUT”



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Talk about using the fox to guard the chickens! This is humorous, the biggest joke ever on the taxpayers.

Sen. Chris Dodd has been in charge of overseeing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the banking system forever. As such he tops the list of government officials getting the loot.

Sen. Dodd is the only Senator who received more Fannie Mae money than Barack Obama, who not by accident, shares Sen. Dodd’s responsibility for overseeing the nation’s financial system.

No wonder Obama wanted to stay out of town while the swindle of a lifetime is being perpetrated on us poor suckers, the taxpayers. He didn’t want the odor to rub off on his Presidential campaign, but the bastard without morals, ethics or compassion is willing to let his good buddies do this crime to us.

He wanted to hide in Florida being coached in foreign affairs while ignoring internal affairs that are destroying our future.

Don’t forget in 2005 Obama sided with Chris Dodd and his contributors at Fannie Mae to kill the Fannie Mae reform legislation proposed by John McCain, and Obama and Dodd are both on the record having voted against McCain’s 2005 reform. 

Just another example of Obama talking change, but in reality supporting the continuation of the good old boys system of corruption. Do not forget Obama was second only to Dodd in cash taken from Fannie mae. Scumbag.

Sen. Dodd is going to enrich all his contributors over his entire career in this, his final act of monumental corruption. Where is CNN bias on this crime of the century. No, the crime of the millenium.

Call every lawmaker you can find a phone, fax or email for, and tell them to kill the bailout.

more on Obama’s failure to help save America at http://ngoldfarb.wordpress.com

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